• Break Through - Nick Alston - Highly Commended
  • Displaced - Chrissie Westgate - David Smith's Award (Colour Print)
  • Doorstep Girl - Chrissie Westgate - Highly Commended
  • Febrrrrrrry - Chris Aldred - Highly Commended
  • HC Ostrich Ruffling Her Feathers June Sparham
  • Hold That Pose - Peter Baker - Highly Commended
  • Juvenile Kestrel Begging for Food - Paul Smith - Highly Commended
  • Nearly Home - Barbara Norris - Highly Commended
  • Off to Market - Pat Frewin - Highly Commended
  • Pelican Reflections - Kevin Williams - Highly Commended
  • Scurfy Twiglet Mushrooms - Matthew Clarke - Highly Commended
  • Selector Jean Brooks The Olive Grove Chris Thurston
  • Shades of Aqua - Pat Frewin - Highly Commended
  • Sunrise on the River Crouch - John McDowall - Best Colour Print
  • The Shepherds Hut - Bob Norris - Highly Commended
  • The Siren - Barbie Lindsay - Highly Commended
  • Trees in the Mist - John McDowall - Highly Commended
  • Turnstone Squabble - Kevin Pigney - Highly Commended
  • Warding off the Hyena - Liz Akers - Glyn Edmund's Award (Colour Print)
  • Where Old Boats Go To Die - Andrew Colgan - Highly Commended
  • Back-to-Front - Ann Miles - Jean Brooks' Award (Mono Print)
  • Blind Pilgrim, Varanasi - Colin Westgate - Highly Commended
  • Decaying Lily - Pat Frewin - Highly Commended
  • Estuary Light - Chris Aldred - David Smith's Award (Mono Print)
  • Inquisitive Young at Hyena Den - June Sparham - Glyn Edmund's Award (Mono Print)
  • Last Light of the Day - Roy Essery - Highly Commended
  • Stickmen - Martin Goddard - Highly Commended
  • Sweeping Light - Colin Brett - Highly Commended
  • The Storm Hits - Roy Essery - Highly Commended
  • Tree in Mist and Frost - John McDowall - Best Monochrome Print
  • White-Out - Graham Coldrick - Highly Commended
  • Bit Scary - Annie Nash - Highly Commended
  • Boxing Hares - Lynn Rix - Highly Commended
  • Catch - Fiona Adamson - Highly Commended
  • Crocuses - Sophia Spurgin - Highly Commended
  • Cuckoos Mating - Kevin Williams - Highly Commended
  • Dark Potions - Jane Barrett - Highly Commended
  • Essex Skipper approaching Marbled White - Charles Whitfield King - Highly Commended
  • Failed Escape - Tom Plucinski - Glyn Edmund's Award (PDI)
  • Feeding the Kids - Annie Nash - Highly Commended
  • Fungi and Fairy dust - Sophia Spurgin - Best Image (PDI)
  • Horsey Mill Dawn - Maurice Young - Highly Commended
  • I mean it - Nick Alston - David Smith's Award (PDI)
  • Kerkini Pelicans at Dawn - Kevin Williams - Highly Commended
  • Kestrel on Feeding Post - John Hastings - Highly Commended
  • Large White on Scabious - Paul Radden - Highly Commended
  • Marbled White in the Morning Dew - Stacey Purkiss - Highly Commended
  • Scramble - Roger Bradshaw - Highly Commended
  • Shall We Dance - Chris Pugh - Jean Brooks' Award
  • Southwold Pier At Blue Hour - Andrew Colgan - Highly Commended
  • javascript photo gallery
  • Undercarriage of a Green Shield Bug - Stacey Purkiss - Highly Commended
css image gallery by WOWSlider.com v9.0

Slideshow of the award winning images from the 2024 Exhibition

Click HERE for a link to a PDF document giving full details of each image (Title, Author & Distinctions, Club/Society and Award received)

The East Anglian Federation (EAF) of Photographic Societies was founded in 1910 and has thus been in existence for over 100 years. The EAF is a constituent founder Member of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB), which is the parent organisation for camera clubs and photographic societies throughout the UK. Having 95 member clubs and societies with about 3400 individual members, the EAF is one of the largest federations in the PAGB covering the area of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk and that part of Hertfordshire which lies to the east of the M1 motorway. Following the closure of the Central Federation in 1989 a number of North and East London clubs were welcomed into the East Anglian Federation.

If you are looking for maps, booking forms or application forms then please visit our
Downloads Page

EAF Events in 2025: AGM & PDI Championship, Print Championship, EAF Exhibition, APM Advisory Day, EAF Audio-Visual Trophy & Judges Workshop. More Details: Please visit our EAF Events Page

Latest News

EAF Inter-Club Print Championship Report 2025

On Sunday 16th March, 17 clubs took part in the Print Championship at Fulbourn near Cambridge. Each club showed 15 images with all 15 images counting towards the final positions.

The final results were:
Winning club gaining the EAF Trophy – Colchester Photographic Society

Runner up club gaining the Eric Saul Memorial Trophy – Beyond Group

Third placed club receiving a certificate – Photographic Imaging Co-operative (PICO)

The fourth placed club was Ipswich & District Photographic Society

The EAF representatives at the PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship to be held in October will be PICO and Beyond Group who have qualified by reaching the final last year, along with Colchester PS and Ipswich & DPS. It is a good event, and our representatives would welcome some support. Tickets need to be bought in advance through the PAGB website.

The judges selected the following images as their personal choices and their joint choice as the best image in the Championship:

Best Print of the Championship:  “Winter in Yosemite” by Tom Lane of St Ives Photographic Club

Personal selection of Roger Reynolds HonFRPS APAGB FBPPA FBPE : "Rose Tinted Dawn, River Crouch" by John McDowall of Melbourn & DPC

Personal selection of Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS AFIAP ABPE APAGB: "Black Church at Budir" by Jackie Gillman Dace of Bury St Edmunds PS

Personal selection of Clive Tanner MPAGB FRPS APAGB: "The Titanic Experience" by Malcolm Bumstead of Ipswich & DPS

Print Room Choice: "Silent Landscape" by Roger Care of Melbourn & DPS

The Scoresheet is available on the
Downloadable Documents Page or click HERE

The Award Winning images can be viewed HERE

EAF Bulletin - March 2025

We have two versions of the Bulletin.

One version most suitable for viewing on Computer Monitors and one version most suitable for viewing on Mobile Devices.

Click on the cover image to visit the Bulletin Page where you can view/download the version of your choice.

APM Audio-Visual Assessment Day

Congratulations to Alison Jenkins for gaining the CPAGB-AV distinction on the assessment day.

In Alison's words "I wanted to pursue a new avenue with my photography and have always had a fascination with AV (audio visual) and have previously judged AV comps. 6 months ago I joined the Essex AV Group which is part of the EAF. I was encouraged to go for PAGB accreditation in Audio Visual and I was successfully awarded my CPAGB-AV on the assessment day. My sequence was on Dalmatian Pelicans. Thank you to those who encouraged me and supported me as this was so new to me I was in doubt I was ready after such a short time."


(Click on the image to watch the sequence on YouTube. Tap the "F" key to toggle full screen display.)

EAF Club Directory

The EAF Club Directory is now available as a Password Protected Downloadable PDF Document

The Document will be updated on an ongoing basis as changes are submitted

For more information and to download the document go to the
Member Clubs Page or the Downloadable Documents Page.

EAF Inter-Club PDI Championship Report 2025

On Sunday 16th February, 23 clubs took part in the PDI Championship at Fulbourn near Cambridge. Each club showed 15 images in Round One, aiming for a place in Round Two. The top scoring 11 clubs progressed to Round Two, showing us a further 10 images with all 25 images counting towards the final positions.

There was one club (Upminster CC) who had not previously entered this competition.

The final results were:
Winning club gaining the EAF Trophy – Beyond Group

Runner up club gaining the Eric Saul Memorial Trophy – Photographic Imaging Co-operative (PICO)

Third placed club receiving a certificate – Bury St Edmunds PS

Best "Rookie Club" - Upminster CC who finished in 17th place.

The EAF representatives at the PAGB Inter-Club PDI Championship to be held in Warwick in July will be PICO and Beyond Group who have qualified by reaching the final last year, along with Bury St Edmunds and Melbourn & DPC. It is a good event, and our representatives would welcome some support. Tickets need to be bought in advance through the PAGB website.

The judges selected the following images as their personal choices and their joint choice as the best image in the Championship:

Best PDI of the Championship:  “Little Crake” by Robin Lee of Bishops Stortford Camera Club

Personal selection of David Gibbins ARPS APAGB EFIAP/b BPE5 CPAGB/av: "Marbled White Pair" by Andre Neves of Melbourn & DPC

Personal selection of Gary Langley DPAGB: "Chambers taking the Victory" by Colin Bradshaw of PICO

Personal selection of Louise Langley CPAGB: "Sammie Kinghorne in the Rain" by Peter Milsom of Beyond Group

The Scoresheet is available on the
Downloadable Documents Page or click HERE

The Award Winning images can be viewed HERE

EAF Judges & Lecturers Handbook

The Judges and Lecturers Handbook is now available as a Password Protected Downloadable PDF Document.
The Document will be updated on an ongoing basis as changes are submitted to our Handbook Secretary

For more information and to download the document go to the Judges & Lecturers Page or the Downloadable Documents Page.

Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
Awards for Photographic Merit
Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November 2024.

This event was hosted at Winsford in Chesure, run by the PAGB team with local assistance.The WPF had been due to host and run the event but were unable to find a suitable venue. Sadly, once again, we seem to have had a problem with the heating system and for much of the weekend everyone had to sit with their coats on.

This was a well-run event, and thanks must go to the PAGB team and those assisting for giving up their weekend. There were 121 applications nationwide with 16 applications from our own Federation, of whom only a few were present and able to collect their respective badges from the PAGB President Daphne Hanson  DPAGB HonPAGB.

Image: The adjudicators: l/r: Richard Speirs DPAGB HonPAGB BPE2*, Tillman Kleinhams DPAGB ARPS EFIAP/b BPE3*, Jane Lines MPAGB LRPS BPE5*, Ann Greinger MPAGB APAGB, Sue O'Connel DPAGB ARPS EFIAP/s BPE5* and Mike Sharples MPAGB ARPS EFIAP FBPE.

Of our 16 applicants, 7 were successful over 4 levels. Sadly we had no success for the new EPAGB this time. Hopefully, we should receive the Certificates in January and be able to present them to the successful applicants at one of our three live events on 16th February (EAF AGM and PDI Championships), 16th March (EAF Print Championships) or 3rd April (Opening of the EAF Annual Exhibition).

We can now offer our congratulations to the following successful members.

Badge Prints: Geraint Williams BPAGB from StevenagePS.
Credit Prints: John Dunn ARPS CPAGB from BedfordCC.
Credit PDIs:  Barrie Yeend CPAGB from Kings Lynn & DCC and Philip Earl LRPS CPAGB from Bury St. Edmunds PS.
Distinction Prints: Nigel Northwood DPAGB from Melbourn & DPC.
Distinction PDIs: Ian Tulloch DPAGB from Melbourn & DPC.
Master Prints: Andy Gutteridge MA FBPE EFIAP/d MPAGB ARPS from the Photo Imaging Co-operative.

Images: Left/Top: Geraint Williams (On the right). Right/Bottom: John Dunn (4th from left, back row).

Images: Left/Top: Nigel Northwood (2nd from right back row)
Right/Bottom: Daphne Hanson receiving a Special Award from Rod Wheelans as it was the final event of Daphne's Presidentship of the PAGB.

The books are now open for the April Adjudication which will take place north of the border. It will be hosted by the Scottish Photographic Federation at the Victoria Hall, Stirling Road, Dunblane, More information later. Currently we have 9 applications.

To round off the weekend a special presentation was made by the Awards Chairman Rod Wheelans MPAGB MFIAP FRPS FIPF HonPAGB HonSPF to Daphne Hanson DPAGB HonPAGB as this was the last event Daphne would be presiding over as PAGB President, although she will continue in her other role as Secretary to the wards.

Thanks to John Smith from Rochdale, editor of the LCPU magazine for all the images.

Federation Awards Secretary

2025 EAF Exhibition

The Documents for the 2025 EAF exhibition have been sent to all EAF Club Secretaries for passing on to the member of the club who deals with the club members Exhibition entries.

All the documents relating to the Exhibition are also available on the Downloadable Documents Page.
This includes the Exhibition Rules, Entry forms, Image List forms, Collectors list, GDPR & Fees form, an Information Poster and details of the new venue (The Apex in Bury St Edmunds)

PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship

The Print Championship took place on Saturday 19th October 2024 at Westholme School, Blackburn.

Thirty seven clubs took part. Congratulations to all six EAF Clubs.

The Judges were: Helen Hanafin FIPF EFIAP/p, Ray Brammall ARPS EFIAP/p DPAGB APAGB BPE5* and Richard Speirs DPAGB HonPAGB HonNCPF BPE2*

The Champion club was Catchlight CC: second equal places for Arden PG and Smethwick PS

For the EAF PICO and Beyond Group both reached the final round finishing in equal seventh place.
In the Plate group Colchester PS finished in equal second place, Bury St Edmunds PS and Melbourn & DPS finished in equal seventh place and Norwich & DPS finished in twenty first place.

In the Individual Awards both Gold Medal/Rod Wheelans Trophies went to EAF Club members.
Colour Print: "Last Leaves" by Peter North of Melboun & DPS
Monochrome Print: "The Jewish Museum, Berlin" by Jonathan Dadds of Colchester PS

Images: "Last Leaves" by Peter North and "The Jewish Museum, Berlin" by Jonathan Dadds

The full results document is available HERE and all the Individual winning images and the images from Catchlight CC are available on the PAGB website

East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies Audio-Visual Trophy
12th October 2024

A report of the event by Christopher Ward of the Essex AV Group

Judged by Edgar Gibbs FRPS MPAGB AV-AFIAP and Linda Gibbs MPAGB AV-AFIAP

Click HERE for the full results sheet in PDF format

Image: Edgar & Linda Gibbs judging the AV sequences

This year, again, held at Foxton Village Hall, in Cambridgeshire, a good venue with all the facilities that you could need to host this type of event.

This was my first AV event. I have only been aware of ‘AV’s’ for around 18 months, and have only created 3, 2 of which I entered into this year’s competition. I entered last year’s competition with a Joint entry with Dick Williams on my trip to Chernobyl.

Image: Keith Leedham running the projection desk

Dick Williams ARPS DPAGB-AV is the EAF AV Trophy Secretary who superbly organised (along with theSub-Committee) this year’s event together with a small army of volunteers, both technical, with all the presentation kit needed, and behind the scenes, including refreshments.

Thank you all for a well organised event. There were 41 entries (the same as last year) with 9 prizes on offer, plus any Highly Commended (this year there were 6).

Image: Malcolm Imhoff (2nd from left) receiving the EAF Audio-Visual Trophy & Gold Medal from Nick Akers & Daphne Hanson  

As I have mentioned I am very new to the AV world, and have very limited experience of AVs in general, I joined the Essex AV Group in 2023 and have viewed a limited number of AVs in this time, but gained some insight from this group, and in particular from Dick Williams who has shared his wealth of experience with me and the group.

This years EAF AV Trophy competition was a good way for me to see a wide range of AVs and to see the details and effort people put into them, and to try and gain some insight into what makes a good, and winning AV.

The range of subjects and the way the AVs were created was an education for me, some very informative, some perhaps too long, and some with beautiful photography, music and narration.

The researching and the time taken to photograph the locations, some over many seasons, was to me exceptional. It puts my own efforts of pulling my abstract images together, and arranging them to, what I think, is the right piece of music, for me, and so more effort needed from me, I think.

As with all these types of competitions (AV & Photography) it comes down to the opinion of the experienced Judges, who had a hard task and overall, their choices matched most of my favourites, but not necessarily in the same order or category. They gave all the winners great feedback and good learning tips for those of us who need it!

My personal favourites were Dalmatian Pelicans of Lake Kerkini, by Alison Jenkins, which did win the Popular Vote on the day, Visions of Ashdown Forest, by Dave Brooker Winner of the Vic Hainsworth award, and Moments in Time by Brian Harvey, which won Best Photography award. All 3 of these had amazing photography, with good sequencing and dissolves, AVs to learn from.

Images: Alison Jenkins receiving the Trophy for the Popular Vote from Nick Akers: Andrew Pickess receives his Highly Commended certificate from Linda Gibbs: David Ames receives his Highly Commended certificate from Linda Gibbs.

It was great to meet new people, in a comfortable environment, with the focus on enjoying the efforts that all the participants put into their AVs, it was clearly an experienced audience with a lot of it to share, if you are new to AVs this would be a good place to start.

Christopher Ward

2025 EAF Club PDI and Print Championships

The "Invitation to all EAF Clubs" to enter the Championships has now been sent to all EAF Club Secretaries for passing on to the member of the club who deals with club entries for external competitions.

All the other documents relating to the Championships are now available on the Downloadable Documents Page.
This includes the Championship Rules, Club Entry forms, Image List forms, Application Forms for Tickets, an Information Poster and the Schedule for each Championship day.

If you know that your club will be entering one, or both, of the Championships you can submit the Club Entry form(s) immediately. The Image List(s) and the PDI Images and/or the PDI versions of the Prints can then be submitted later, but before the relevant closing date. Earlier the better, don't leave it to the last moment!

EAF APM Advisory Day 2024

The EAF PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) Advisory Day took place on Sunday 1st September at Foxton Village Hall.
Here are a few photos from the day.

Daphne Hanson opening the Advisory Day

Rod Wheelans explains the APM system

Vic Hainsworth, Richard Spears, Anne Greiner & Rod Wheelans

Richard Spears appraising a print

Gorden Jenkings in action

Richard Spears and Colin Westgate appraising a print

The PAGB Inter-Club Projected Digital Image Championship 2024

The Championship was held on the 21st July 2024 in Warwick

The Judges were:

        Tilman Kleinhans ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5
        Libby Smith MPAGB EFIAP HonPAGB HonSPF
        Howard Tate MA ARPS AFIAP HonPAGB

The Final winning Club was Chorley Photographic Society

The Plate winning Club was Arden Photo Group

The EAF were represented by Beyond Group and PICO
PICO finished in equal 5th position with Beyond Group just behind them in 7th position

This means that PICO & Beyond Group will have automatic entry into next year's Championship which gives a big opportunity for two other EAF clubs to join them. Just need to be the top two scoring clubs, excluding PICO & Beyond Group, in the 2025 EAF Inter-club Championship.

Click HERE for the full PAGB results document that gives some further details of the result

2024 EAF Exhibition Portfolio

The 2024 EAF Exhibition Portfolio which shows all the monochrome prints, colour prints and PDI's that were selected to form the 2024 EAF Exhibition is now available. Free if your club is a member of the EAF Federation and you request the downloadable version.
(You may still obtain a physical DVD-based version, if you would prefer, at a cost of just £10.00)
More details on the Portfolio Page.

2024 EAF Exhibition Images & Catalogue

The slideshow at the top of this page has been updated to display the award winning images from the Exhibition.

The 12 "major" award winning images, "Best Images" & "Judges Awards", can be viewed HERE where there is also a link to a PDF version of the Exhibition Catalogue. The Catalogue can be downloaded from the Downloadable Documents page.

Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Awards for Photographic Merit Weekend
Saturday 27th – Sunday 28th April 2024.

The most recent adjudication took place over the weekend of Saturday and Sunday 27th/28th April 2024 at St Mary’s College, Basingstoke, hosted by the Southern Counties Photographic Federation. It was a well-run weekend, although the hall was a little on the cool side, but there was plenty of space.

There were 126 applications nationwide with 25 applicants from our Federation, many of whom attended, and those who were successful were able to collect their respective badges from the President Elect, David Gibbins, ARPS, EFIAP/b, BPE 5*, APAGB, who was deputising for PAGB President, Daphne Hanson.

Of our 25 applicants, 17 have been successful over four levels. Unfortunately, the certificates will not be available until late May, and by then most clubs will have closed for the summer recess so most of the certificates will have to be mailed.

We can now offer our congratulations to the following successful members.

Credit Prints: Lachlan French CPAGB from Saffron Waldon CC, Jan Bond CPAGB from Halstead & DPS, Helen Mackay LRPS, CPAGB, AFIAP from St Neots & DCC, and Hilary Knight CPAGB from Colchester PS.

Credit PDIs: Mark Glenister CPAGB, BPE3* from Biggleswade & DCC, Keith Gypps ARPS, CPAGB from Cambridge CC, Stephen Laws LRPS, CPAGB, from St. Ives PC, Jennifer McDonald CPAGB, from Chelmsford CC, Charles Phillips CPAGB from Bury St. Edmunds PS, and Derek Nimmo CPAGB, BPE 1* from PICO.

Distinction Prints: David Morement DPAGB, BPE 1* from Hoddesdon CC, Peter Baker DPAGB, LRPS from Royston PS and Carol Martin DPAGB, LRPS from Bury St. Edmunds PS.

Distinction PDIs: Chris Pugh DPAGB, BPE 1* from Colchester PS, and Ian McDonald DPAGB from Chelmsford CC.

Excellence Prints: Bob Coote EPAGB from Royston PS and Derek Howes EPAGB from Colchester PS.
Bob and Derek are our first two members in the Federation to achieve the new EPAGB (Excellence) award. To date we have had no applications for the new B (Badge) awards. Also, at this adjudication we had no Masters applications.

Images: (Left/Top) Credit Prints - Hilary Knight (Colchester PS), Jan Bond (Halstead & DPS) and Lachlan French (Saffron Walden CC). (Right/Bottom) Credit PDI's - Jennifer McDonald (Chelmsford CC), Keith Gypps (Cambridge CC) and Derek Nimmo (PICO).

Images: (Left/Top) Distinction Prints - Peter Baker (Royston PS), Carol Martin (Bury St Edmunds PS) and David Morement (Hoddeson CC). (Right/Bottom) Distinction PDI's - Ian McDonald (Chelmsford CC) on the left.

Image: Excellence Prints - Derek Howes (Colchester PS) on the right

(Photographs kindly supplied by Steve Kirkby CPAGB/AV)

The books are open for the November adjudication. It was due to be held in South Wales, but sadly they couldn’t find a suitable venue. However, the PAGB team have now found a suitable venue and will be running the weekend at The Winsford Academy, Grange Lane, Winsford, Cheshire, CW7 2BT. Further details will follow. To date we have 6 applications.

We will again be running our annual APM Advisory Day at Foxton on the 1st of September with the assistance of some of the PAGB APM team plus a couple of others. Publicity posters and entry forms are available on the Downloadable Documents Page. To date I have 19 applications. Should there not be enough from the EAF to cover costs, I will open it out to nearby Federations as interest has been shown by some of their members who live near the EAF.

Vic Hainsworth ARPS, DPAGB, APAGB.
Federation Awards Secretary