The PAGB, through the EAF and other member Federations, maintains a list of approved judges who may be approached by clubs to ask if they would be prepared to judge a club event, inter-club event, or an exhibition. The list is currently supplied (Judges and Lecturers Handbook) in printed form to all club EAF representatives (usually the club secretary but may be another nominated person), all EAF speakers and all EAF judges.
The Judges and Lecturers Handbook is now available as a Downloadable PDF Document.
The Document will be updated on an ongoing basis as changes are submitted to our Handbook Secretary
(The Document is Password Protected. For the Password apply to
Click on the link below to download the document
EAF Judges & Lecturers Handbook 2025 v5 (PDF)
The EAF has three levels of judges. The difference in qualification between the three panels is not easy to define, but they may be broadly considered as follows:
A Panel
A judge with the ability to demonstrate an, appreciation of a wide range of techniques and subject matter. An ‘A’ Panel, judge should show a balanced understanding of artistic and technical merit, and have the ability to be objective and totally unbiased. In this category a, judge should be competent to assess work at Federation and National, competitions/exhibitions standard
B Panel
An experienced judge perhaps with a wider knowledge of photography in general and therefore able to give reliable constructive advice as well as criticism. Should be impartial and objective regarding subject matter and technique.
C Panel
A judge on this panel should be able to provide an articulate appraisal of work at general club level to give an interesting and enjoyable evening.
How to Become a Judge
Strange though it may seem, it is not necessary to hold photographic distinctions or even be a good photographer to be a judge. Sometimes, the best photographers aren't the best judges! What is important as a judge is to have a sense of picture appreciation, to be able to communicate thoughts clearly and in a constructive manner, and to be decisive when awarding marks or places. Sometimes, as a member in the audience, it is too easy for us to be critical of what a judge sees or says but it is an entirely different story if you are standing up in front an audience thinking on your feet.
Judging can be fun and very rewarding. However, we do not expect club members to dive in at the deep end without some form of training and assessment. The EAF holds an annual Judges Workshop where prospective judges can come along and give judging a try under the watchful eye of more experienced judges. The workshops also serve as a refresher to existing judges or to assess existing judges for moving up a panel.
These are publicised on the EAF web site. Early application is recommended as places are limited. The Judges Workshop caters for all three levels though each event may be fine-tuned depending on the number of applicants for each level. Participants are split into groups and each group is led by one or more tutors, assisted by one or more assessors. The final session of the day brings together all participants and each student is invited to “judge” one or two images in front of the gathered “audience”.
At the end of the event all tutors and assessors come together in private to discuss the students and consider any recommendations for invitations to join the judges panel or for promotion. The invitation to join a judges’ panel (or to advance to a senior panel), may be issued to workshop members if they are considered to have reached the appropriate standard. Attending a workshop is not a pass or fail matter but primarily instructional.
The EAF does not claim that only those on its lists can judge but that those on the lists should have reached a certain recognised standard. A begining has to be made and many clubs encourage their own members to comment at print and projected image evenings.
The judges and lecturers listed in the PAGB Handbook and supplemented by updates from EAF Handbook Secretary are willing to visit affiliated clubs (of any Federation) for no fee (apart from expenses) subject to any restrictions quoted adjacent to their entry and the following conditions. There is no obligation for a judge to accept an engagement but, once it has been accepted, it is hoped that only serious difficulty will necessitate a change or cancellation by either party. Changes must, of course, be notified as soon as possible.
The PAGB Request and Reply Forms are highly recommended (see Downloadable Documents) though these, of course, may be copied and customised by each club as appropriate. The initial approach may be written, using these forms, or by telephone where a number is shown, or by e-mail where an e-mail address is shown. Whichever means of initial contact is used, the booking should be confirmed in writing/email within three weeks and the Reply Form should be used to confirm expenses and agreed arrangements.
A reminder should be sent to the judge/lecturer not less than two weeks prior to the visit and should include clear directions to the venue with information about one-way streets, public transport, parking, and other potential problems.
For an event where the work is pre-judged or reviewed prior to the actual event, the judge should be given the work for judging a reasonable time in advance and the delivery arrangements should be agreed beforehand.
The club programme/syllabus should acknowledge that the judge is PAGB or Federation listed and should include relevant qualifications and honours. It is courteous to send a copy of your syllabus to the judge in advance of the engagement.
A thoughtful club will reserve a parking space and someone should meet the judge on arrival to help carry any equipment or prints.
The judge/lecturer is your guest and should be accorded good hospitality including overnight accommodation if agreed at the booking stage. A drink before starting can be welcome and the event should commence at the agreed time. The club must ascertain and supply any equipment required. Someone should be designated to look after the judge/lecturer throughout his/her visit to ensure that all the arrangements are facilitatory.
Judges/lecturers are permitted certain expenses - see below. These should be agreed in advance using the Reply Form. The best option now for both judge/lecturer and club is payment via internet transfer. Idealy bank details should be requested and obtained via the Booking and Reply forms, if not, on the night. Some judges/lecturers may still prefer cash or a cheque, so these options should still be avaiable.
Thank You
It is assumed that the club will always give its members the opportunity to express their gratitude - usually with a formal Vote of Thanks. It is also courteous to write to the judge/lecturer within two weeks saying thank you and perhaps including favourable comments from members and any local press clippings mentioning the visit.
Judges/Lecturers, clubs and societies are encouraged to report to their Federation any apparent disregard of these conditions.
Judges/Lecturers should be reimbursed for all travelling expenses including full standard rail fare, bus and/or taxi, if required. Where a judge uses his or own car he/she is entitled to be paid up to 45p per mile (or the PAGB rate in force at the time of the visit).
By agreement at the time of booking, judges/lecturers may also claim for:
The cost of a meal and/or overnight accommodation.
A charge to cover the wear and tear of the judge's own equipment up to a maximum of £15.
The cost of any consumables.
It is up to the club to ensure that all expenses are agreed in advance of the engagement. Please note that, although no fee will be charged, some judges list additional necessary expenses in their Handbook entry, which are also payable.
Please note that some speakers will charge a fee, or additional expenses, over and above the PAGB expenses. Speakers who charge a fee or additional expenses are listed under a separate heading in each Federation's entry in the PAGB Handbook or in the EAF Handbook. This cost to be agreed at time of booking.