PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit - June 2021

After many months of 'they're on - they're off'', at last then APM team were able to catch up on the last 18 months of delays. The event was hosted by Smethwick PS over the weekend 26th/27th June and was for Prints only. For the team and the individuals who have been waiting it has been a very frustrating and nail-biting time. Sadly, it had to be a 'closed' event again and at this point we should applaud and thank the PAGB/APM team, the judges and the members of Smethwick Photographic Society who worked extremely hard, adhering to the Covid rules.

All applicants have received their individual results and, hopefully, they will receive their badges next week. It is hoped that the certificates will be with me before the opening of the EAF Exhibition on Saturday 14th August, when they will be presented.

Our congratulations go to all the successful applicants, as below:

Credit Prints: Stephen Ball CPAGB, LRPS from Colchester PS, Richard Burn CPAGB, LRPS from Ampthill & DCC, Naomi Foster CPAGB from Harwich & Dovercourt CC, Jackie Gillman CPAGB, Michael Mansfield CPAGB, Robert Salisbury CPAGB and Kevin Williams CPAGB, all from Bury St Edmunds PS, David Morement CPAGB from Hoddesdon CC, Paul Ravenscroft CPAGB from Melbourn & DPC and Paul Warburton CPAGB, LRPS from Leigh-on-Sea CC.

Distinction Prints: Fiona Adamson DPAGB, LRPS, BPE2* from Potters Bar & PS, Christine Holt DPAGB, from Hoddesdon CC and Paul Smith DPAGB, BPE4*, AWPF from the Beyond Group.

Vic Hainsworth, ARPS, DPAGB.
Federation Awards Secretary.

Presentation of APM Certificates at the opening of the EAF Exhibition at Wingfield Barns

From left to right: Naomi Foster (CPAGB:Harwich&Dovercourt), Christine Holt (DPAGB: Hoddesdon), David Morement (CPAGB: Hoddesdon), Stephen Ball (CPAGB, LRPS: Colchester), Colin Birch (LRPS, DPAGB, BPE3* (Federation President)), Mick Mansfield (CPAGB: Bury St. Edmunds), Sally Freeman (CPAGB: Chelmsford), Jackie Gillman (CPAGB: Bury St. Edmunds).

Photo with kind permission of Paul Radden DPAGB, EFIAP/s, BPE4*