Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Awards for Photographic Merit

The 2019 Autumn Adjudication took place at the Watford Boys Grammar School, Watford,  hosted by the Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs, over the weekend of the 23rd/24th November.

It was a very well-run event in a superb venue with tiered seating giving a good view for everyone. The Federation had 27 applications with 12 being successful as follows:

Credit Print: Alan Lindsell CPAGB from Melbourn CC.

Credit PDI:
Wayne Davey CPAGB, Robert Howarth CPAGB, both from the Lowestoft PC and Tony Williams CPAGB from Kings Lynn & District PC.

Distinction Prints: Colin Bradshaw DPAGB, BPE3*, Michael Foster DPAGB, BPE2*, Paul Giles DPAGB, Nigel Griffiths DPAGB, BPE1*, Andy Gutteridge DPAGB, EFIAP/g, BPE5*, all from the Photographic Imaging Co-operative, and Robert Norris, DPAGB, APAGB, EFIAP from Ware & District PS.

Distinction PDIs:  Peter Milsom DPAGB, EFIAP/s BPE3* from Ware & District PS and Caroline Tillett DPAGB, BPE3* from Wayland & District PC.

Successful applicants present at Credit level, including Alan Lindsell (extreme left centre) and Tony Williams (right seated) from the EAF.

Successful applicants present at Distinction level, including Colin Bradshaw, Michael Foster, Paul Giles, Nigel Griffiths, Andy Gutteridge, Bob Norris, Peter Milson and Caroline Tillett from the EAF

Images courtesy of Terri Adcock

We offer our sincere congratulations to them all and commiserations to those who were unsuccessful. In particular, PICO managed to gain 5 out 5 in the Distinction level. Many applicants were present to collect their respective badges and have their group photo taken. I hope to receive the certificates ready to give out at the AGM/PDI Championships in February.

Many of you may be aware we are holding another PAGB/APM Advisory Day on Sunday 6th September, once again at the Foxton Village Hall. The advance notification poster is on the website. Again we will be pleased to welcome the PAGB/APM team coming down from Scotland and Lancashire to offer their advice and share their experience.

The Spring Adjudication is almost full, only a few spaces for Credit being available, D and M are closed. This event is being hosted by the MCPF and will be held in Rednal, Birmingham, reachable in a day for many of those who wish to attend from the EAF.

Vic Hainsworth, ARPS, DPAGB
Federation Awards Secretary.