PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit - November 2022

This very successful event was held on Saturday 26th November 2022 at Parkhall College, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Sadly, I was unable to be present this time. Due to the lack of applications, it was run as a single day event, so I guess it was a very busy day with over 1,000 images to view in five sections.

Our Federation had 10 applications over 4 sections. Due to the location I’m not aware that any of our applicants were present, hence no photographs to show.There were 31 PDI applications with only 10 successes, of which we gained 5. Below is the list of our successful applicants:

Credit PDI – Zoe Harris CPAGB from Maldon CC, Robert Holgate CPAGB from Stevenage PS, Stephen Marriott CPAGB from Chelmsford CC, Alison Mees ARPS, CPAGB from Benfleet CC and finally Chris Pugh CPAGB from Upminster CC.

Our sincere congratulations go to them all and commiserations to those who were unsuccessful

Vic Hainsworth, ARPS, DPAGB, APAGB. Federation Awards Secretary.